Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bill Elliott's Nascar Challenge NES Review

The NES is not known for its racing games.  There are a few that are OK but nothing to get excited about.  This game is a sub standard racing game on the NES.  I will give them an A for effort for trying to make a simulation style racing game like Test Drive which was so popular on the PC at the time this game came out.  I like racing games, just not this one.  It is very difficult to control...  too difficult, NES hard (like some people like to say).  Anyway, there is not much to say about this game, the game play stinks, the music stinks, and the graphics stink.  I give it 1 out of 10 stars.  It only got 1 star due to the fact that you can tell that there was a huge amount of effort put into the game, it just fell short.

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