Thursday, November 7, 2013

Infiltrator NES Review

By Chris Gray (he wants you to know that, his name is real big in the title screen.) Odd Cheesy title screen with repetitive, horrible music.  Shitty game play and graphics.  This game is not even remotely good.  I have played some shitty games before but this one takes the cake.  I don't even understand how this game made it to the NES.  I am not sure if it was ever released on any old computer system, but I can see this game on like an Atari  800 computer or something.  You start off with the option to do a flying mission or an enemy base mission.  I started with the flying mission.  The horizon line stays at the same point so there is no frame of reference on altitude except an altimeter.  Little black planes fly away from you no matter what altitude you are at and they are impossible to shoot with any of the 8 "weapons" that you can select.  There is a map mode you can go into that doesn't show you where you are going or what you are supposed to do.  Did I mention that the graphics are crude and blocky?  There is also some attempt at humor in the opening montage of the game but it is really lame.  The second part of the game is the enemy base mode.  This mode sucks too.  Apparently if you figure out where you are supposed to go in the helicopter and land, you get to explore an enemy base.  This mode is a crude attempt at something that tries to resemble Metal Gear maybe?  The game play really sucks and is super repetitive.  It certainly does not make up for the really shitty graphics.  Overall I give this game 1 out of 10 stars and the 1 star is only because it is the only helicopter sim game on the NES.  Stay away from this turd of a game unless you want to waste 3 or 4 minutes of your life.

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