Sunday, November 10, 2013

X-Men NES Review

This game is pure crap.. There is nothing good about it.  The graphics suck and the game play is horrible.  It is a top down adventure game, I guess.  You pick from 6 X-Men.  1 is a NPC who does absolutely nothing except get stuck and hinder your progress.  Horrible design.  When you die, you start all the way back at the beginning.  It is very awkward to control and attack.  I can play for about 5 minutes before I become frustrated and turn it off.  Games are supposed to be fun, not agitating.  I give this turd of a game 1 out of 10 stars.  It gets 1 star due to the fact that it is X-Men and 2 players can play simultaneously and it has a stage select.

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