Saturday, January 18, 2014

Burning Force Sega Genesis Review

This game is a shoot em up for the Genesis.  Good shoot em ups on the Genesis are few and far between and this one is not very good.  The graphics are crude for a 16 bit system and the game play is not very good.  You start out on a hover bike thing that moves left and right and shoots.  You collect different power ups along the way like wide shot, missiles, and laser beams.  You can control the speed of the hover bike as well.  After you beat 2 stages with the hover bike with a mini boss on each stage, you then switch to a ship that can go up and down as well as left and right.  The 3rd stage is where you fight the main boss which is not super hard.  The game does get harder as you progress through it.  Overall I give this game a 4 out of 10.  Crude game play was really the factor that knocked this one way down in rating.  It plays like about at least 30 other Genesis games that must use the same engine as this game does.  

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