Saturday, February 1, 2014

3D World Runner NES Review

3D World Runner by Square.  This is a decent game.  It is fun to play and has decent graphics and sound for the NES.  It has a 3D mode when you press select like Rad Racer has.  I assume this game came with 3D glasses back in the day?  The point of the game is to run through the different worlds with 4 stages each.  You can run faster by pressing up and slower by pressing down.  You move left and right and can jump.  If you hold the button down longer, you can jump higher.  It is a challenging game because you have to time your jumps and certain points to make it over pits and other obstacles.  You collect stars which go towards your score at the end of the world.  At the end of the 4th stage you fight a boss.  It is a snake like dragon thing that flies through the air.  Your character at this point during the boss battle can float in the air and shoot a weapon.  The boss battle is super easy but they do get harder as you go on.  The game play in this game is really good.  Overall, I give the game 7 out of 10 stars.  It has high re playability and challenge factor.

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