Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dragster Atari 2600 Review

While I am sure this game was cool in 1984 when it came out (I don't think so), it really sucks.  See the screen shot?  Thats the game, thats it.  No starting line, no finish line.  It is hard to believe that David Crane of Pitfall! fame wrote this shovelware.  One of the worst Activision games ever made.   Your goal is to get the best time possible as you shift through 4 gears while avoiding blowing your engine.  The concept of the game is unique, I will give it that, but the game play and fun factor are horrible.  Every time I play this game it is a chore.  Overall, I give it a 1 out of 10 stars.  It did not get a 0 because the concept is cool and you can play 2 players against each other. , but the game overall blows.

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