Sunday, March 16, 2014

Transbot Master System Review

I have seen a lot of reviews of this game with people praising it and saying that it is the best shoot em of the 8 bit era.  I have to disagree.  While it is not a bad game, it is not a great game either.  It is one of the limited card games on the Master System.  I believe they released either 10 or 12 card games.  This game is a side scrolling shoot em up.  I am very critical of shoot em ups because they are one of my favorite types of games.  I do however give every game I play an equal chance.  This game is repetitive and very easy to get bored of.  You can acquire 6 different power ups that are lettered A-F.  When you get the power up question mark orb it starts cycling through the letters.  You have to press the button to stop on a letter and activate a power up.  The power ups have a gauge and will run out.  After progressing through the stage for a bit you have to get a certain power up and destroy a certain type of enemy to open up a portal to the underground stage.  At the end of the underground stage you fight a boss.  After you destroy the boss, you start back at the beginning again going through the entire process again.  The game has really good graphics and music for the Master System.  Game play is ok and replay value is ok.  Overall I give the game a 5 out of 10 stars.  Nothing really great here but not horrible either.

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