Sunday, July 12, 2015

Phantasy Star 3 Sega Genesis Review

I just played through this game again recently and I didn't find it as enjoyable as previously.  This game is the 3rd in the series of 4 and it doesn't really pick up where 2 left off.  It is kind of a spin off from the series.  The graphics and music are pretty good and it is pretty much your typical J-RPG.  When you first start the game it seems like it is going to take forever but the game is actually pretty short compared to the other games in the series.  The dungeons are not hard and are almost linear.  There are only 4 bosses in the game including the end boss.  There are techniques in the game but they are almost nonexistent and not really required even to fight the extremely easy bosses.  You play through three generations of main characters but the storyline is kind of dry and there is no real attachment to the game at all.  I would classify this game as mainly a hack n slash RPG due to the use of mainly weapons and not techniques.  Is it a bad game? No.  Is it a great game? No.  It's just an average game, my least favorite in the series.  Overall, I give it a 5 out of 10 stars.  Nothing special but semi enjoyable to play through for the hardcore RPG fan.

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