Thursday, July 26, 2018

Vay - Sega CD Review

I played through about 3/4 of  this game.  Why not all the way you ask?  It was becoming a chore to play the game and not enjoyable anymore.  This game is very basic.  It had a Final Fantasy Mystic Quest feel throughout pretty much the entire game.  There is really nothing to explore.  The over world is pretty much linear as well as most of the dungeons.  The battle system is generic, turn based, J-RPG style (which is not always a bad thing).  It seemed like about 1/3 of the way through the game, there were a few bosses that were extremely hard to beat, and then it got super easy after that.  The game is pretty unbalanced in difficulty, which can be frustrating at times.  It also doesn't seem like there are a lot of cut scenes or voice for a CD based game.  The graphics, music, and sound seem just a bit sub par for the Sega CD.  The game play is ok.  It is typical J-RPG style game play / grinding / walking around.  Overall, I give this game a 5 out of 10.  Some people may think this is a great game and may think it deserves a much higher score.  I think it is just middle of the road and actually a bit boring.     

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