Saturday, November 14, 2020

Urban Champion - NES Review


This is an original launch title, one of the 30 "black box" games that were released at the NES launch.  There is not much to the game.  You work from left to right, street fighting your opponent.  The B button is your "hard" punch, and the A button is your jab.  You can punch in the stomach or the head.  You also have a stamina meter and a time meter.  When the time meter runs out, if nobody has won, the game is over.  When the stamina meter runs out, you no longer have your "hard" punch at your disposal.  You also have to watch out for people dropping flower pots from the buildings' second floor windows.  If you get hit with a flower pot, you will be stunned for a few seconds.  The graphics and sound are mediocre as with most early NES games.  The game play is not very good, no real strategy involved, just button mashing really.  This is not a game I would play regularly.  Overall, I give it a 4 out of 10.  It is not really worth the time to play.

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